Cooperatives in El Dorado Springs, MO

  • Names and Numbers Verified Electric Utility Companies Electric Companies Cooperatives Gas Companies

    We are a gas company serving 1.7 million customers in Missouri, Alabama, and Mississippi, providing natural gas to powers their homes and businesses.

    El Dorado Springs, MO
    (417) 682-5636
  • Names and Numbers Verified Electric Companies Electric Utility Companies Cooperatives

    Sac Osage Electric Cooperative has a long, rich history in Cedar County and the nine adjoining counties where it provides electric service to mostly rural consumers. We have been serving our member consumers in Cedar, St. Clair, Benton, Barton, Dade, Polk, Hickory, Henry and Ver…

    4815 E Hwy 54 El Dorado Springs, MO
    (417) 876-2721